Sanja Gabler – the role of CMO in Trapets rebranding
Sanja joined Trapets in December 2022 as the Chief Marketing Officer.
She has experience from various companies with a growth and scaling agenda, with technology at core.
In this article, Sanja explores the importance of a CMO in developing a successful branding strategy, as imperative for growth, and shares the key success factors for establishing a successful rebranding project.

1. Tell us about yourself.
I am passionate about making things happen, whether it's establishing a new team, building and launching a new product, or improving an existing process. I always have my eyes on the prize, that is, making your efforts as impactful as possible for your business and your customers.
I have worked in both large and small companies and the learning is that no matter the size, the challenges remain the same. It's just the resources and number of colleagues are differ.
2. What does your day as CMO look like?
As a CMO at Trapets, my primary mission is to grow the business. One central piece in growing and scaling business is through an attractive and market preferred brand.
My job is focused on engaging our target audience by delivering relevant messages and valuable content in places where our customers and audience "hang out". By doing so, we generate demand, interest, and dialogues for our solutions.
My days entail both strategic and operational work. At Trapets we are a small but very efficient team. One day can be spent crafting website content, while the other is spent analysing marketing data and making market predictions.
I am very proud to be part of Trapets and to contribute to something bigger. It's a company truly driven by very passionate and engaged people, joined by our mission - to fight financial crime.
3. Trapets went on a rebranding journey during 2023. What are the top 3 key factors for a successful rebrand strategy and execution?
1) It starts with the people - this is the foundation for any successful brand. It must start with a strong organisational culture and engaged colleagues.
2) Project management - a rebranding project requires strong project management skills to get the progress and attention needed. Also, the essentials basics as clear targets, scope, budget, and time frame.
3) Experimental mindset – prioritise the foundational elements of a strong brand, or pillars as we call them, to set the framework. Make sure to make room to evolve the brand as the business changes and grows over time. As Trapets is in a phase of scaling our business, it is crucial to have a brand that can grow and scale with the business.
4. Can you tell us why it is important for Trapets to have an established brand?
As a B2B software company, a brand representing trust and credibility is vital, especially for Trapets, as most of our customers are in the financial service sector.
Our customers rely on us to overcome one of the most important things in protecting their business and customers - to fight financial crime.
In delivering such business-critical solutions, creating strong relationships with our customers based on trust, reliability, knowledge, and experience is key. This requires a trustworthy and relatable brand.
5. Please explain how the role of the CMO has impacted Trapets and its brand.
The CMO role alone will not necessarily impact Trapets or our brand, but I see my role as part of how we grow and scale the whole company.
That said, the brand is central to both develop an organisational culture but also to succeed as a B2B software company. Trapets is truly a great company, with great values at core, and it is time for everybody to know and understand the value we bring.